Almost anyone can make money

Title: Almost anyone can make money


Almost anyone can start making money immediately selling homemade items and goods.


Homemade jams, pickled vegetables and DIY products bring nostalgic feeling and meet more and more consumers need for authentic, purely organic and natural products.


The demand for homemade items is unstoppable, just scroll through Instagram and you will see people showing how they make their grandmothers favourite recipe or how the package their homemade products.


The most popular homemade items vary from year to year and season to season. But here is a list of the most popular all-time favourites:



If you have the skills to make jewellery and create unique pieces there is a huge market for it. Jewellery is easily marketable and can range from expensive to very affordable – making it an ideal option if you want to start making some money.



-Food items:

Homemade food items like jams, cakes and even readymade meals are becoming more and more popular with the more affluent customers. Whatever their motive: no preservatives, support small business or not having the time, affluent consumers are searching for something made with love and care.


-Home décor:

From flower vases to woven pillowcases, homemade décor items are in huge demand. If the textures and grains of wood have always intrigued you, the rustic home decor niche could be for you.




Tote bags, denim handbags or hand-woven satchels.  As more and more people strive to cut down on plastic and cheap factory goods, this extensive market is easy to enter and items can be extremely inexpensive to make.



-Arts and Crafts

By sharing your quirky or lovely creations or by making personalized wall decor, you allow consumers to decorate their homes with pieces that are distinctly “them.” See what you can create that’s unique, marketable, and missing from the current wall art marketplace


-Pet items

From easy dog beds to homemade pet toys this market is growing very rapidly.



Once you’ve decided on what crafts to make and sell, be sure to list your products on and get the advantage of more reach and more customers.

Corne Ellis
Author: Corne Ellis

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