Homemade products

DIY project: make your own shoes

Have you always wanted to create your own shoes – like DIY shoes? Its easier then what you may think! So maybe you have a passion for cobbling, or you are trying a new small business making handmade shoes or you just want to make your own shoes (DIY style). In this article we will […]

5 Tips To Avoid Being Negative

Everyone does get negative at some point in his or her life. Whether it is at work or home negative situations happen almost all the time. It is rather unfortunate that we cannot avoid them and thus beg the question of how can we change these negative thoughts to positive ones. It is important to […]

How Kindness Can Get Your Further In Life

We believe that when ambitious professional women get more opportunity it ultimately benefits everyone, and leads to a more equal world. Each act of kindness, big or small, can make a difference in someones life. via GIPHY There are two things I know for sure about kindness. 1. Kindness is not weak. 2. Often, kindness […]

Rosemary for culinary and medicinal purposes.

How can you use rosemary in more than just cooking? Rosemary is such an amazing herb, a native Mediterranean aromatic and pungent herb that grows well in South Africa. Here’s all you need to know about harvesting and using rosemary for culinary and medicinal purposes at home. In Food: With a strong flavor, a little […]

Marketing Your Homemade Products Easily

There are a lot of people who want to sell and market their homemade products, but unfortunately, they don’t know how to do it. Marketing can be frustrating for small business owners of homemade products because many don’t know how to take their handmade products from the product stage to the selling stage. Luckily, there […]

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